Essay / Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Statement
TL-III Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum StatementTo facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that maximize student learning, I turn to current research in educational technology to design methods and strategies to simultaneously teach students' content standards and technology standards. The 2007 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards and Student Performance Indicators (NETS*S) is my current student-centered roadmap. At the basic level of technology integration, students and teachers need to know how to use a variety of technology tools. The main productivity tool in my 6th grade classroom is word processing. Over the years, my class has transformed from a handwritten draft to a final draft processed by word processor, to most of our essay writing experiences being done entirely on the computer. In addition to developing their typing speed and word processing skills, students in my class learn different ways to make their documents portable, including saving them as .pdf or .rtf or using the web to send documents via email or even writing collaboratively on Web 2.0 sites. other web-based writing productivity tools also provide the basis for student research projects. When my students were preparing their National History Day documentaries, they combined their Internet research skills with productivity tools. Students received extensive training on Internet safety, digital citizenship, and effective research methods before beginning their Internet research. Important elements of the pre-research lessons included internet safety and how to keep personal information confidential when researching; how to use media in the middle of a sheet of paper......school presentation to staff and presentation at the 2009 Alaska Society for Technology in Education (ASTE) conference. At school, I collaborated to provide two distinct professional development opportunities: Quick and Easy Digital Portfolios and Media Literacy. At ASTE 2009, I co-presented with the same colleague on the topic of digital portfolios. Technology integration requires in-depth knowledge of curriculum and content standards as well as the ways technology can maximize student learning. In my classroom, I strive to have students use technology as a natural part of their learning experience. By teaching technology alongside content, I have observed my students gain technological skills and knowledge at the same time. References Ohler, J. (2008). Digital storytelling in the classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.