Essay / Higher Education - 1119
Campbell and Roznayai define higher education as any education pursued after successful completion of secondary education, which may include postsecondary vocational education (leading to a certificate) and higher education ( degree), although this designation is often used synonymously with higher education (Campbell & Rozsnyai, 2002, p. 133). In the Caribbean, economic prosperity and social cohesion are inextricably linked to the Caribbean's ability to provide an increasing proportion of successive cohorts of population. having access to higher education. The speed at which countries in the region advance on the development trajectory rises and falls depending on their capacity to provide relevant, high-quality higher education. Higher education equips its beneficiaries with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that contribute to formulating and preserving the fundamental values of societies. It is the vehicle that stimulates the growth of human capital and provides access to new technological capabilities that underpin social and economic development. However, access to higher education faces a number of challenges in the Caribbean region. Barbados and Saint Kitts and Nevis share the same problem: increased social demand for higher education; however, they differ in the higher education quality assurance framework and the diversity of higher education providers. In comparison, social demand for higher education continues to increase in Barbados and St. Kitts and Nevis, as individuals anticipate that higher education will reap economic prosperity. and social promotion. In Barbados, the demand for higher education has continued to increase, as evidenced by the large number of people who... middle of paper ... to take action. Extract from: http://www.caribank.org/titanweb/cdb/webcms.nsf/alldoc/6b8781bae9416c6042578db004584c5/minfile/speech_the_paradigm_shift_in_education 2011.pdfharvey, L. (2004). -12). Glossary of analytical quality. International quality research. Retrieved from: http://www.qualityresearchinternational.com/glossary/tertiaryeducation.htm Middlehurst, R. and Campbell, C., (2004). Second global forum on international quality assurance, accreditation and recognition of qualifications. Expand access to quality higher education. Retrieved from: http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/files/31917/108797996937E-Campbell-Middlehurst.pdf/7E-Campbell-Middlehurst.pdf Gittens, C., (2005). A report on higher education in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Extracted from: www.iesalc.unesco.org.ve/.../national_report_on_higher_education-final.pdf