Essay / Florence Nightingale Mathematicians - 553
Do the math like a mathematicianOur world is full of mathematics. Mathematics is very important in our daily life. We use mathematics for many different reasons, for things that are necessary as well as things that people simply want to discover. Mathematics can be used for personal aspects of our lives as well as professional reasons. A mathematician is a person whose primary field of study is mathematics. Mathematicians are interested in logic, transformations, numbers, and the general ideas that encompass these concepts. Notable mathematicians include Archimedes, Descartes, Fibonacci, Pascal, Pythagoras, Einstein, Stokes, Sir Isaac Newton and Riemann. Scientists who research in other fields are also considered mathematicians, but only if their research provides insight into mathematics – an example being Isaac Newton. Some mathematicians can even provide insight into other areas of research: they are called applied mathematicians. (MathWorld, 2014). Florence Nightingale is remembered around the world for her work in the field of nursing. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820...