
  • Essay / An investigation into the resistance of conductive putty

    An investigation into the resistance of conductive puttyPrimary workIn this experiment, I will use conductive putty for the first time. I have knowledge of electrical circuits such as parallels and series. I have knowledge of electrical equipment like light bulbs, battery cells and variable resistors. And I know the pros and cons of circuits. My plan is to use the putty in a series circuit with an ammeter and record the gooseberry. Prediction ========== I believe that the shorter the piece of putty, the stronger the currant will be. I believe this because I found that electrons always take the shortest path.ApparatusIn this experiment I will need; a light bulb, a light bulb holder, a battery pack, four alligator clips, an ammeter, a power supply, a piece of putty, and four wires. I will need the bulb to show if the circuit is complete. The battery controls the electrical current, along with the alligator clip and wire to carry the electrical current. Safety The first danger is the power of the electric current. To avoid any risk of electric shock, I will use the battery to control the strength of the gooseberry and reduce it to four cells. The power supply will be direct current (direct current) and the putty used will be on a non-conductive surface. What Factors Could Affect What Happens There are two obvious factors that come to mind: inaccurate measurement and an uneven amount of putty. I will have to be careful about measuring the putty and how much is removed each time. What I'm going to change In the experiment, I'm going to keep the diameter of the putty the same but change the length each time and record the amps each time the putty is reduced. .What I will measure I plan to measure the length and diameter of the putty in centimeters and the cassis in amps. Which factors I will keep the same