
  • Essay / Emperor Penguin - 439 did you find/choose this site?-I simply did some research, which helped me leads to this exceptional site. 1. Summarize what you found on this site and how the information relates to each other? - This site included two types of penguins. Adélie and the emperor penguins. The Emperor which, is mentioned in our book, can weigh between 20 and 45 kg. These animals are graceful swimmers and demonstrate great agility underwater. They are found in the southern hemisphere. Their diet consists of squid and fish. (below is a photo of an adult emperor and its young).2. Name 3 specific things.-Biology-Arrival: AprilLaying: MayHatching: July 62-66 days of incubationDeparture of chicks: December and JanuaryFood: squid and fish Below is a photo of 2 emperor penguins submerged underwater. As I mentioned before, penguins are very graceful swimmers. Another added benefit is that they can submerge underwater for a while. Penguins can swim at an average speed of 60 km/h and their average time underwater can be 5 to 6 minutes.3. Based on what you learned in this course, how accurate is this information? I think they are very reliable. I compared it to what was said in our text and it held up very well, even though this site goes into this topic in more depth than our text. But he still manages to talk about the Emperor Penguin about which the book informs us.4. Consider the authors of this website as their qualifications to write on this topic. How reliable is this source?-Very reliable. These men and women spend their entire lives studying and analyzing different marine animals, etc. We must also understand that they are only human. So something overlooked by one team of explorers could easily be spotted by another person or team. But overall it is exceptional, especially for those who have no knowledge about the emperor penguin. Overall, how useful has this site been in helping you learn oceanography? What was most helpful? - Overall, not much at all.