Essay / The Morning-After Pill Debate - 905
1.0 IntroductionThis essay explores the recent debate surrounding restrictions on the availability of the pharmaceutical Plan B One-Step, which prevents pregnancy after sexual intercourse. Five main questions were identified to analyze this debate and these five questions are presented respectively in sections 2.0 to 6.0. Section 7.0 presents a brief conclusion and references are provided at the end of the paper. As a backdrop for these analyses, it may be helpful to understand the timeline of events as described in the New York Times article, “Judge Strikes Down Age Limits on Morning.” -After Pill”:• Plan B One-Step is a pharmaceutical morning-after pill, sold by TEVA, designed to prevent pregnancy when taken after sexual intercourse; sometimes as emergency contraception. • In 1999, the FDA approved Plan B as a “prescription only product.” • In 2001, a citizen petition was filed to make Plan B available without a prescription. Shortly thereafter, a scientific advisory committee voted in favor of the citizen petition.• In 2006, President Bush's administration allowed "over-the-counter sales to women 18 and older, but required a prescription for those aged 17 and under. »• In 2009, Judge Korman ordered that Plan B could be obtained without a prescription. for women 17 and older.• In 2011, the FDA sought to lift restrictions to make Plan B universally available.• In 2011, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius “ruled that girls age 16 and fewer would need prescriptions” for Plan B, noting that there was insufficient education among young girls. • In 2013, Judge Korman ordered that Plan B be made universally available.2.0 What the debate is about central?Because Plan B is usually used after sexual intercourse...... middle of paper.... .. Decision (favoring abortion) Oppose decision General groups • Reproductive health groups of Women • Conservative Groups • Anti-Abortion Groups Specific Groups • American Medical Association • American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists • American Academy of Pediatrics • Center for Reproductive Rights • American Academy of Pediatrics • Reproductive Health Technologies Project • Family Research Council7 .0 ConclusionPolitically, there are no easy answers to this question, and in this debate, the FDA has become simply, as one wise man said, a pawn in the game. Works CitedPam Belluck, “Judge Strikes Down Age Limits on Morning-After Pill,” New York Times, April 5, 2013, accessed January 10, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/06/health/judge-orders-fda-pour-rendre -the-morning-after-pill-available-over-the-counter-for-all-ages.html?pagewanted=1&_r=3