Essay / The importance of oral hygiene - 645
Importance of careful evaluation of the oral cavity for suspicious lesions for the early detection of multiple myeloma.1ARTICLE TITLE AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Article title: “Multiple oral presentations of multiple myeloma”.1Bibliographic information: Richard C. Cardoso & Peter J. Gerngross & Theresa M. Hofstede & Donna M. Weber & Mark S. Chambers. Support Care Cancer (2014) 22:259–267 DOI 10.1007/s00520-013-1960-y. OBJECTIVE/QUESTION: The purpose of this study was: 1) “To show the varied oral presentations of multiple myeloma, illustrating the importance of carefully examine the oral cavity for suspicious lesions that may be a sign of palpable disease and/or recurrence. 12) “The diagnostic criteria and prognostic features of multiple myeloma have also been reviewed.”1SOURCE OF FUNDING: Information not available. STUDY TYPE/DESIGN: This is a descriptive epidemiological study. The type of study design is case series. A total of five cases with manifestations of multiple myeloma involving the oral cavity have been reported. Detailed data on the patient's medical history, description of oral cavity lesions, treatment of myeloma and its progression are reported. SummaryKey factor of the study: In this study, a total of five patients (3 females and 2 males) aged 31 to 70 years old with multiple lesions in the oral cavity were reported. A detailed report of the patient's medical history, location of oral cavity lesions and their description was noted. The diagnosis and treatment of myeloma are well defined based on the course of the disease.1Primary outcome measure:The study outcome was diagnosis or relapse of myeloma.1Main results:Five patients with lesions of the oral cavity associated with myeloma have been reported.1Conclusions:Oral cavity lesions may be . ..... middle of paper ...... required. A larger number of cases with oral cavity lesions and a control group need to be analyzed to obtain meaningful evidence. Based on the cases observed in this study, I would suggest all readers to carefully evaluate oral cavity lesions and use FNA biopsy for early diagnosis of suspicious lesions. Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy Classification (SORT) LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3: Other evidence STRENGTH OF GRADE OF RECOMMENDATION: Grade C: Consensus, disease-focused evidence, usual practice, expert opinion or case series for diagnostic, treatment, prevention or screening studies. NIH classification: 6 works cited 1. Richard C. Cardoso & Peter J. Gerngross & Theresa M. Hofstede & Donna M. Weber & Mark S. Chambers. The multiple oral presentations of multiple myeloma. Cancer Supportive Care (2014) 22:259-267 DOI 10.1007/s00520-013-1960-y.