Essay / The Process of Selective Attention and Its Effects on...
IntroductionThe purpose of this short report is to discuss the process of selective attention and subsequently, to discuss how it affects consumers. Every decision a consumer makes, whether they buy or not. , will be influenced by a number of factors. Today's consumers face a wide variety of messages (stimuli) from marketers across many different mediums. It is the ability of consumers to decide whether to accept or reject messages that resonate with them based on their own needs, desires and other lifestyle factors that forms the basis of selective attention. In particular, Avery and Baker's explanation of the late selection theory of selective attention allows consumers to make decisions to select or reject stimuli after receiving the information. [i] This will be discussed in more detail later. in this report with an example of the importance of colors in the branding of major competitors in the Australian mobile phone industry. Selective Attention Selective attention can be described as the situation in which consumers maintain heightened awareness of stimuli that meet their needs or interests and, conversely, hold decreased awareness of stimuli that do not match their needs[ ii].Avery and Baker defined two clear theories of selective attention: Broadbent's early selection theory in 1958, which limits consumers' ability to process multiple stimuli at once; and Triesman's late selection theory of 1969, which is currently favored by both Broadbent and Triesman and which instead allows for a primary and secondary "channel" where a consumer's attention can be drawn from their first stimuli to another in case of something important. Triesman's theory expands on concepts about the two key ways in which a consumer can process information presented to them. Schneider and Shiffrin (1977) suggest that predictable or familiar situations are processed automatically, whereas novel or constantly changing stimuli are controlled by the person focusing on those stimuli. Color, brand and consumers In many cases, a brand, or even a brand. product, can be associated with a color that has a certain personality trait; This concept of brand personality, as discussed by Schiffman, Kanuk and others (1997), sees consumers attributing human qualities to brands and products. [iii]The colors used by competing companies to establish their brands are an important factor in how customers select which stimuli to accept or reject. As we'll see in the example below, some colors may correspond to brands that customers aspire to be aligned with, while others are relevant to consumers who may belong to a social group or "tribe." wider.’.