Essay / Social Media as a Marketing Tool - 1172
Social media marketing is a new marketing trend in which different businesses have taken to social media sites to market and promote old and existing products and brands or to raise awareness of their new products. Facebook and Twitter are the two most well-known sites on which businesses market and promote themselves. More than a billion users worldwide use both sites daily; from average Joes to famous celebrities. The power of each social network is such that a single post can make or break you. Forbes estimated that in 2011, Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg were worth around $50 billion due to their growing popularity. It went from a social network just for Harvard students to a global phenomenon. Twitter also has celebrities and famous personalities who are followed by millions of people. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry are the three most followed people on Twitter, with over 14 million people following them and being informed of their every move. Besides the elite list of celebrities and famous companies such as Google or the New York Times who use social media sites as a way to gain customers, one of the main reasons for their success is their global and worldwide appeal . People in first and third world countries are aware of this, and statistics show that one in nine people on Earth is on Facebook, and Twitter has up to 500,000 users every day. Search engine giant Google, perhaps the most famous name on the Internet, has launched its own social networking experiment, Google+, which experts say will also become a powerhouse. These days, everything is commercialized, from the water we drink to the food we eat. and the clothes we wear. Marketing doesn't just build brand recognition...... middle of paper ......eshare.net/HorizonWatching/social-media-101-social-media-disasters. [Accessed February 12, 2012]NY Times/Carr,David 2008. How Obama Harnessed the Power of Social Media. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/10/business/media/10carr.html. [Accessed February 12, 2012]Tobin, J. (2010). 10 Social Media Marketing Examples You Can Actually Use. Available at: http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/social-media-examples/10-social-media-marketing-examples-case-studies/ Accessed February 12, 2012Ramox3. (2009). Dirty dirty domino pizza. [Online video]. April 15. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhBmWxQpedI&feature=player_embedded#!. [Accessed February 12, 2012]Jeff Bullas. 2011. 20 awesome social media stats and infographics. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2011/09/02/20-stunning-social-media-statistics/. [Accessed February 12 12]