Essay / Build a Home Network - 1048
Every day, when ET returns from his classes to his apartment, he eagerly yearns to throw himself into his comfy chair and simply surf the Internet at his convenience. Unfortunately, ET lives with two other roommates who maliciously want to use up all of their bandwidth on a daily basis. Ah, the horror! Luckily, ET has been thinking about how to resolve this burgeoning conflict in its own time. He carefully noted that his apartment contains three computers: two desktops and one laptop. After consulting with his trusty sidekick, Andy Chung or better known as Andy, both absolutely believe that the most optimal solution to this conflict is to purchase a router. However, during ET's brief time researching routers, he discovered that he could a) buy a wired router or b) buy a wireless router. For our project, we ultimately decided to use the wireless networking package; This is the most popular tool because it supports wireless (most laptops) and wired (most desktops) connection. The laptop has built-in wireless capability; On the other hand, both desktops do not support wireless connections, so they would have to be connected to the network via wires. The project will help determine whether purchasing a wireless router would be worth it. Our first step in helping ET with his wonderful "networking" adventures was to start by searching the Internet for general information about the different brands of routers on the market. walk. We limited our choice to two brands of routers: D-Link and Linksys. We then went to Circuit City and Best Buy to talk to their representatives and ask them about the two router brands we focused on. Representatives from both stores seemed to agree that the best routers to use were Linksys routers. They pointed us towards two different models of Linksys routers: the WRT54GS and the WRT54G. We focused our extensive research on these two models. To our dismay, we discovered that most Linksys routers offer a 4-port Ethernet switch (these will allow us to connect the office with wires), transfer rates up to 54 Mbps, and advanced security. The GS model offers additional speed and increased security, but requires additional hardware. We spotted two routers that would completely satisfy our needs based on our budget (see Appendix A for a more detailed comparison). Then we turned the baseball caps inside out and slowly crept into the store to compare the prices of each router..