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Essay / Love and Betrayal in the Poems of Christina Rossetti false ideals, false lovers, or what lies behind betrayal by false ideals and false lovers: innocence; more precisely, innocence as a deceptive ignorance of flexibility. The results of shortened expectations and heightened awareness among the victims of Rossetti's love vary widely. Some become malicious. Others, like the bride in Prince's Progress, die or remain confused in the face of what amounts to the rape of their illusions. Yet some, like Laura in Goblin Market, ultimately benefit from their experiences and their denial of illusions and earthly morality. They are led toward higher, more spiritual ideals of unconditional love and acceptance. Through their suffering in love and their sacrifice to false ideals of love or pleasure, they are saved from the world. The issue of betrayed expectations in love is addressed in both The Prince's Progress and Goblin Market. In both stories the theme of the power of temptation to distract man from the worthy and serious work of life is common. At the Goblin Market, temptations are both resisted and overcome; in The Prince's Progress, they succeed on the main characters. Furthermore, in the case of Goblin Market, the main temptations that overwhelmed Laura were sensory and were ultimately equated with sexual pleasures. She allowed the goblin men to ravage her and defile her with the juice of their fruits with the end goal of Lizzie breaking her spell. Only one of the two central temptations, lust, in The Prince's Progress prevents understanding of the implicit ideal that marital happiness is not just...... middle of paper...... ve for these characters was intended to be inaccessible and misleading. Attempting to seek them out represents a temptation that is pointless to pursue because the simple variable of change is inevitable. The denial of this truth by this patriarchal society is a cruel deception that, in both poems, victimizes women. Deception is sustained in the fairy folklores of romantic poetry that Goblin Market and The Prince's Progress imitate, both literally and suggestively. Rossetti's stories illustrate an immediate gratification complex, particularly with the incorporation of romantic ideas, and emphasize that the achievement of these delights, however brief, leads to certain betrayals and disappointments. In this way, Rossetti strangely criticizes the romantic ideas of traditional literature while presenting a review of the fundamental beliefs of these ideas..
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