Essay / Asian Cultural Diversity and Healthcare - 780
Asian healthcare culture is very interesting and different from Western medicine. It's not just a matter of drawing blood and finding too many white blood cells in the bloodstream, which means there is an impurity. Asian health is more about balancing body mechanics. They believe that the mind and body work together, in synchronization in a state of balance. They use a practice called yin and yang, which is hot and cold. Using plants to treat illnesses is a common practice in Asian culture. A good diet plays a big role in their health. A diet consisting primarily of fish and vegetables is the healthy choice in this culture. Some of the therapeutic practices include acupuncture and coin rolling. Acupuncture focuses on pressure points on the body and stimulates natural healing to balance the body. The practice of acupuncture covers 306 fixed points of the body. The practitioner uses nine needles placed at specific points on the body to release yin (cold) or yang (heat) and create a balance between the two. Treatment can range from cancer to arthritis or the common cold, but it is primarily used for pain relief. There is also qi and chi (http://diversityresources.com) and it is the flow of energy throughout the body which is something like yin and yang. It is about balance in the body for healing and good health. Too much of either will create a disruption in the flow of energy in the body and will require treatment using yin and yang principles. Another medical practice in Asian culture is being invented. This practice is more usual in Chinese culture. Coining is widely practiced by Southeast Asians, such as the Thais and Laotians. Since typing leaves physical marks, some patients sometimes get it wrong... middle of paper ....... There are many things a healthcare provider should consider when deals with other cultures, such as religious beliefs and medical practices. My goal is not to insult or harm anyone. I researched different cultures and their practices to be prepared to deal with problems that may arise when treating illnesses. It is important to take the medical practices of other cultures seriously and not offend a person's medical theories that have been applied for hundreds of years. Works Cited “Asian Community.” Asian community. Creative Commons Attribution, nd Web. March 7, 2014. “Culturally Sensitive Health Care: Asian.” » Culturally sensitive healthcare: Asian. Diversity Resources, Inc. Amherst, MA., 2000. Web. March 7, 2014. “In traditional Chinese medicine, what is coinage? » SageGEEK. Copyright © 2003 - 2014 Conjecture Corporation, nd Web. March 7. 2014.