Essay / Ecology is the study of ecology - 875
A primary consumer is the one who eats the plants of the strait and the secondary consumer eats the animal which eats the plant and it maintains a chain reaction of animals eating animals, that's why they call it a food chain. In the different levels of the food chain, it is very common that the higher you go up the food chain, the bigger the animal gets. The bottom of the food chain is where herbivores go, the top is carnivores, due to a predator-prey relationship between existing animals. Another important aspect of biology is when a major disaster occurs and destroys habitat. Most species leave and wait for the vegetation to grow back, which can take almost 10 years. When the vegetation pushes out the herbivores are the first to return to the habitat then after their arrival the carnivores are not far behind them once all the animals are back it is an ecosystem again. Government conservation is about protecting the environment and of course involving government in the process. There are many different animal welfare groups like the ASPCA and PETA. These are groups that want to protect animals.