Essay / The Health for All 2000 - 2595
1 INTRODUCTIONThe beginning of the Health for All 2000 program took place in 1978 at conferences in Alma Ata where the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Member States their commitments to health for all. The first health promotion conference was held in 1986 in Ottawa and the declaration of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion was a source of inspiration and direction. (Vertio 2003, s.178) Finland was one of the first countries to develop its own Health for All program in 1986. Member states reached consensus on the topics that are the focus of member countries' concerns. These include communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases, health promotion across the lifespan, health systems and preparedness, surveillance and response, and the criteria that will guide the process of defining the priorities of the Organization. http://www.who.int/about/who_reform/programme_priority/en/index.htmlIt is no longer enough to just talk about health and disease, as it is important to understand how the environment affects people's health. Economic issues such as economic growth also create the conditions necessary for the development of well-being. Equality appears to have a significant impact on human health. The status of the customer must be strengthened and communities must enable this function. (Terveyden edistämisen etettiset haasteet 2008)1.1 Indicators assessing healthA variety of health indicators have been developed to assess and compare health in different countries. (Pietilä ym 2002,s 133) It is important to note that, for example, educational opportunities, living conditions, working conditions and availability of services are notable factors for health promotion. (Quality Recommendation for Health Promotion, 2006, s.9)Here are some examples of indicators...... middle of paper ......respiratory infection. We hope that in the future, paternal involvement will increase. The organization and control of health care defines resources and facilities at all possible and necessary levels. There is still work to be done in terms of structures and management. Administration and management must be effective and influential. http://www.moh.gov.et/English/Pages/index.aspxhttp://www.moh.gov.et /English/Resources/Documents/Health.pdf4.3 ChallengesThere is still a lack of money , which means inadequate funding. Planning, management and implementation capacities are also insufficient. Even they have trained thousands of health workers; there is still a shortage of qualified workers. A big challenge is trying to influence the health of mothers and children, because the infant mortality rate has practically not declined. http://www.afro.who.int/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=8542&Itemid=2593