
  • Essay / Summary: Mapco and Mapco Business Plan - 1180

    MANGO AGRI PRODUCTS (MAPco)[INSERT YOUR COMPANY LOGO]Chinmay AthavalePrincipalMAPco2/29 Vishnu Prasad SocM.G Road, Vile Parle (E) Mumbai 400057Maharashtra, IndiaABN: AXXXXXXXACN: AXXXXXXXMAPcoBusiness PlanPrepared: January 2, 2014ContentsBusiness Plan SummaryMangoes and their tertiary products are highly seasonal products of varying variety and quality, which are enjoyed by people of all demographic levels and all income groups in few regions of the world and have abundant market reach for growth and demand in untapped markets. MAPco's business scope is to create a sustainable supply chain by focusing on the process from cultivation and manufacturing of products to sale in the best markets in India as well as identified international markets. More and more agricultural businesses are losing ground in competitive markets due to the lack of business acumen and knowledge needed to develop and manage businesses. Middlemen are predominant in the system, making the agricultural process a big messy facade and one of the most corrupt elements of India's growing economy. The advent of capital, access to technology and penetration of new markets where farmers will find and create value for their products and can better support their families with a sustainable roadmap for rural development are the need for day. Farmers are facing various capital related problems in electricity and water and are committing suicide due to lack of government intervention and involvement. Land labor and capital are the most important segments of a nation's wealth according to Adam Smith and therefore must be nurtured and cherished until eternity. Mangoes were and will remain an important part of the country's heritage and will help cement India's name... middle of paper...... search.MAPco2/29 Vishnu Prasad Society, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Vile Parle East , Mumbai 400057Maharsahtra, India+91-22-26133533+91- 9967113533• Farm located in Shirgoan village in Konkan belt of Ratnagiri district of Maharshtra state of India.MAPcoAthavale FarmsPlot 2226A-29987GGanpati Mandir PhataShirgoan, Ratnagiri 415612Mahar Ashtra, India +91-02352- 232048+91-9226372724• Liaison office in the process of export-oriented expansion through family members residing in target international cities. Liaison and Liaison Center Survey on sales of Mapcoc/o Geetanjali Athavale226a Ashford Estatepm Roadseattle Bellvue, Waétats United States+1304246882Mapco Systems and Portal Liasonc/O Ajay Athavale68 Rutherford Streetdunway Roadboston, Inquiry Center77g Seven Sisters Roadcentral London, Londonangleterre+44 234567728