
  • Essay / Galaxy Observation - 1511

    Nicknamed the Black Eye Galaxy, its magnitude is 8.5 and its dimensions are 9.3' by 5.4', making it visible as an elongated disk . This galaxy is easy to find since it is only 1 degree E-NE from the 5th magnitude star 35 Comae Berenices. M106 is the best of the three galaxies measuring a whopping 18.2' by 7.9'. It is a sharply defined, elongated SE-NW zone immersed in a uniformly bright halo of cloudiness. M106 lies in a rather star-poor field, about 4 degrees east of Chi Ursae Majoris, so locating it can be a little difficult. A pair of galaxies rivaling M81 and M82 are M65 and M66 which are separated by only 21' and lie about 2.5 degrees S-SE of Theta Leonis in the constellation Leo. M66 is a spiral galaxy measuring 8.7' by 4.4' with a magnitude of 9.0. M65 spans approximately 10.0' by 3.3', shines at magnitude 9.3, and is clearly visible as a small, elongated NW-SE spot. NGC 2903 is a large spiral galaxy located west of Epsilon Leonis, at the tip of Leo's Sickle. Binoculars show it as a 5'x3' nebulous spot highlighted by a brighter center.