Essay / The vulnerability of older people depicted in Exhibit A...
In the play “A Cream Biscuit Under the Sofa” I think Alan Bennett is trying to convey a message about what retirees are really like and what is there our thoughts are about modern life. The play was written in 1987 but the concerns of older people remain the same. The play centers on a woman called Doris. She is in late adulthood, widowed and lives alone. Doris has no family or friends, the municipality gave her a cleaning lady called Zulema. Zulema comes once a week to clean Doris's house. Doris was once married to a man called Wilfred but he died, she talks to him often or at least, about his photo and him. In my personal opinion, I think Doris finds it easier to talk to Wilfred now that he is gone: because they had a very distant relationship, while Wilfred was alive. “We’re cracked, Wilfred.” I think Alan Bennett makes us sympathize with Doris because she has a sad life, she had a miscarriage, never had children, her husband died, and now she has no children. family and is extremely lonely. Thanks to Wilfred's dye, Doris now lives alone. The only person Doris talks to is Zulema (the housekeeper). Zulema is often very condescending towards Doris. I think Doris' relationship with Zulema is like a parent-child relationship because Zulema tells Doris what to do and what not to do. Zulema looks down on Doris and is also quite harsh with her. "For being alone, for not behaving reasonably, for not acting like a seventy-five year old woman who has a pacemaker and dizziness and doesn't have the sense she was born with." Doris doesn't think Zulema does housework very well and tries to do the housework herself. In my opinion Doris brought loneliness on her own...... middle of paper ...... old people are so isolated .I feel sorry for Doris because she has no one to talk to and socialize with and she is in extreme pain and no one seems to care about her. Doris's PIES needs are not met. (PIES stands for Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social.) Doris's physical needs are not being met because she is not exercising or living a healthy, active lifestyle. I think if she's in this much pain she could do some physical therapy. Doris's intellectual needs are not being met because she is not doing anything to stimulate her brain and keep it active. Doris's emotional needs are not met because she cannot talk to anyone about her feelings and, as a result, is often upset and alone. Doris's social needs are not being met because she has no friends, no family and no one else to talk to except Zulema who treats her badly..