
  • Essay / Cultural Religious Beliefs - 1302

    IntroductionWhen trying to learn about a particular culture or religion, we often tend to ask, "What does this group of people believe and value?" Jerry Looper (2006) defines values ​​as “deeply held beliefs about what is good, just, and appropriate.” Values ​​are deeply rooted and remain constant over time. We accumulate our values ​​since childhood based on the teachings and observations of our parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other influential and powerful people. The Jewish religion is a monotheistic faith, meaning they only believe in one God. Pelaia (2010) states: “They also believe that Jews have unique connections to each other. No matter where we live in the world, all Jews are part of a global Jewish community. » This creates a sense that their communities have a unique respect for each other as well as themselves. the Torah is frequently mentioned as the basis for teaching on life and death. quotes the Rabbi Rebbe's teaching: "Each additional year of life brings wisdom that the most accomplished young prodigy cannot match." Growing old in the Jewish community is a blessing that brings experience and wisdom that should be respected by younger generations. This seems to contrast with Western society's view that aging is a disability. The Torah teaches adolescents to respect old age as well as elderly citizens. In accordance with the Ten Commandments, the Jewish religions follow the commandment “Honor your mother and your father” (Exodus 20:12) found written in the Talmud. This is interpreted to mean dignity at all costs towards your parents. Children of aging parents must maintain their dignity... middle of paper ...what qualifies as appropriate activities depends largely on the bereaved person. If one has gone to dinner and movies regularly in the past, it would be reasonable to resume such an activity. However, it would be inappropriate to begin activities of this type during this period.ReferencesThe conversation about the soul, taharah, funerals and burial. (nd). Retrieved from, A. (nd). What do Jews believe? Retrieved from, LA (nd). Jewish funeral customs: saying goodbye to a loved one. Retrieved from Looper, J. (August 10, 2006). What are values? Retrieved from