
  • Essay / Understanding the international and...

    Before analyzing the ISI (Import Substitution Industrialization) model, its advantages as well as its disadvantages, a small introduction to how it was born and why must be provided. Product of the economic crisis of the 1930s and the wear and tear of the liberal model, the ISI appears in Latin America as another economic option, proposed by the ECLA (Economic Commission for Latin America, dependent on the UN) as a way to get Latin America out. of stagnation and work towards industrialization to eliminate its dependence on agriculture, considered vulnerable. This model must be examined in two critical ways, both theoretically and in terms of its concrete results and political implications in Latin American states. By examining them, it is possible to better understand center-periphery international relations as well as Latin American approaches to economic development. Theoretically speaking, ISI has been one of the main issues examined by the structuralist model, among others, such as terms of trade. , the effect of the agrarian structure as a block to economic progress as well as inflation. This theoretical paradigm describes social and political relations after World War II. Raúl Prebisch, Argentine economist and director of ECLA (which later incorporated the Caribbean), and Celso Furtado, famous Brazilian economist, were those who contributed to the structuralist interpretation and study aimed at highlighting the development of Latin America, or lack thereof. This theory shows that development and underdevelopment are deeply linked; he believes that developed countries, such as the United States after World War II and England before, helped maintain underdevelopment within the periphery through the IDL (the international division of... .. middle of paper ...... of the property remains, attempts to resolve the Indian problem will be forgotten in the denunciation process He asserts that the land was originally communal and that the "conquistador" had. introduced feudalism, which still continues today, disrupting the rhythm of national progress in the form of gamonalismo and latifundio Against the existing selfish gamonalista, the communities constitute a lucid protest and a necessary reaffirmation of the righteous. if structuralist and dependency theories are aware of the land system and its repercussions on society as well as the center-periphery relations The rise of inequalities and underdevelopment found within these two schools. , does not take into account the involvement of the indigenous people and the effect that these processes had on Incaica society and economic structure..